Jailbreak Cydia

Select your device and iOS version to start the jailbreak.

Processing Request Please be patient while we are processing your request
Verifying Compatibility Please be patient while we verify your device compatibility.

Compatibility Successfully Verified

Click the button below to begin the jailbreak process.

Jailbreak process has been started
It takes few seconds, Please don't exit from the browser.
Downloading jailbreak files
Exploiting the servers
Installing the jailbreak
[demux_list_buffer[0x03 + i*32] = 0x00]
[demux_list_buffer[0x06 + i*64] = 0x02]
[demux_list_buffer[0x10 + i*128] = 0x04]
Jailbreaking completed
Performing automated client verification
Automated verification failed
Manual human verification required.

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